Sage Mentoring App
Lead UX/UI Designer
Project Goal
This career mentoring app & website is designed to help college aged adults find and succeed in a career path by connecting them with a career mentor.
Target Audience
Young adults aged 17 - 25 who have completed college or plan on completing college and plan on pursuing a professional career, and also those who are looking to improve their job.
Key Challenges or Constraints
I was working alone, so I had to fill all the roles while creating the App Design.
Research Conducted
I conducted user research using surveys and interviews. I created an empathy map to understand the users I’m designing for. A primary user group identified were college students who were unsure of what type of jobs were right for them.
I uncovered 2 pain points:
Lack of Knowledge: Users lacked life experience to figure out what career they wanted to pursue, and finding someone to help them is difficult.
Lack of Job Skills: Some users struggled with how to write a resume or time management which a mentor could help with.
Sketches & Wireframes
I did a quick ideation exercise to come up with ideas for how to address gaps identified on the competitive audit. My focus was specifically on making finding a mentor simple and easy.
user testing
I conducted one rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the design from wireframes to mockups.
Round 1 Findings:
Users thought a rating system would be useful to help them select a mentor
Users wanted more background info on mentors including their professional social channels like LinkedIn and Twitter
Users wanted more precise filtering by using more than one filter at once to search for mentors.
high-fidelity prototypes
Moving forward there are 3 things I would like to iterate on:
Conduct research on how successful the app is in helping users using specific topics and specific filters.
Add more educational resources about job skills which can also help point users to appropriate mentors.
Build out the user profile and a method of looking up booked sessions and rebooking.